Life is so incredibly unpredictable.
As I sat here, trying to write my psychology assignment for the third time in the past hour, I couldn’t help myself from wrestling with all the what ifs of life. I couldn’t focus, so I decided to put my thoughts into words.
I, a planner, spend admittedly way too much time worrying about what the future holds. I wish that I knew how things played out. From a young age, I always had my life planned out. It changed, yeah, but I liked to have a plan. In the confines of my simplistic mind as an eight year old, life seemed pretty simple. I was going to live on a farm in Vermont, my husband and I were going to be doctors, and we were going to have five kids. Oh and on top of that load, we were also going to have three dogs: a German Shepherd, a Golden Retriever (named Macy), and an Irish Setter...if I am remembering correctly. Now, I look back on this and laugh. I could not ever imagine myself getting through med school, although I have such a respect for those who do. I no longer want to live in Vermont, and although I do love dogs, maybe just one is good. I wouldn’t mind a doctor for a husband though (helloooo McDreamy!) Point is, I probably spent a solid year of my little life perfecting that plan, yet look at how little weight it holds now. I changed, and so did my view on life.
“What’s meant to be will be” is my mom’s infamous quote, and something that I tell myself everyday. It seems so simple, but holds so much weight. Life has a funny way of working things out when you take a step back and let it all unfold.
I truly believe that whatever is meant to be, will quite simply be. It will manifest itself into your life if it is supposed to be there, and there is no amount of planning or hoping that we can do that will sway it either way. Kind of disappointing, I know, but also relieving. There’s really nothing to worry about. You can’t control the future, so why try? It just wastes precious moments in the present.
In my life now, I apply this mindset most to boys and relationships. But hey, it still holds true. I think that every person that I meet or bump into on campus was for a reason, and it adds a lot more spice to my day to day routine. Take a sec and think about how big this world is, and how many people are in it, and then look at who is in your life. They have to be there for a reason, right? I mean really, what are the odds of all of us existing at the same time and interacting? It’s kind of a miracle we end up meeting the people we do.
I think every person we meet is for a reason, and I think they are all meant to teach us different lessons, as well. It can be lessons about ourselves, or lessons about them, or even just lessons about life in general. Regardless, whoever is meant to be in your life will somehow find a way to be there.
Think about where you are right now. Think about all the different ways that your experience could be different, but it isn’t, and this is how your life ended up. In my case, I think about the different schools I could have ended up at and that could have completely altered the course of my life. But here I am, at the college I am, because I was meant to be here. It worked out how it was supposed to. No matter the amount of stressing or worrying I did, it was not going to change this outcome. It was meant to happen, so it did.
Basically, life works itself out. There’s a plan in place that you don’t even have to worry about - just accept whatever comes your way and know that it is happening for a reason.