Ahhh summer. Memorial Day Weekend is officially behind us, meaning we can bask in the promise of glorious summer days ahead. The weather is warmer, we can finally wear white, (although I find this fashion rule antiquated), and enjoy the careless days ahead. As for me, I am spending my summer on the coast. I got a job as a hostess at a local restaurant and am figuring out the ways of the biz while adjusting to the carefree life that is such a contrast to fast-paced college life.
It’s nice in many ways, as it finally allows for my brain to rest and process the year that has occurred. Crazy stuff. I mean, this blog did not exist at this time last year. So many things hadn’t happened yet, and so many things are different now. I think the importance of any summer, most specifically this summer, is feeding your soul - whatever that may entail. You may be working, traveling, or chilling on your couch with your dog. Whatever it may be, make it something that feeds your soul. Allow yourself to be set on fire by the prospects of your life ahead. Because that’s all life really is - what we want it to be coupled with what we make of it.
For me, I want this summer to be restorative. I need a break. I plan on reading, writing, and chilling on the beach, working when necessary - but not making it my sole purpose - and truly relaxing. The Europeans have established the mindset of “work to live, not live to work” and it’s something that I think Americans as a whole need to practice. Work is so incredibly important; it provides us with a foundation to live our lives and gives us a sense of purpose, but it should not be overtaking or all-consuming. I get it, I’m speaking from a college point of view, and I do not have to deal with many of the real-life pressures yet as someone older. But this carefree attitude can be achieved even with the hard work put in from 9-5.
I have attached a Pinterest board I have titled, Soul Summer. It’s found on our JMSTYLED Pinterest page, and I suggest you not only check it out but make your own as well. Think of it as manifesting, a vision board, or simply a release to envision your dream life for a quick sec. And if Pinterest is not your thing, totally get it, but take a few moments. Envision what you want to be, and how you want your life to look. And then go chase after it. Because really, the only thing standing in the way is yourself. The world quite literally provides no limitations. There is always another option or way if your path gets shut down. You are the ultimate decider in how your life plays out.
So, without further ado, here is Soul Summer. A curated collection of pictures that encapsulate the summer that I dream about. The summer that I plan to live out this season. Enjoy.
- MH
**Important disclaimer: I do not own the pictures on Pinterest, nor am I attempting to take credit for them as my own. All rights and credits to their respectful owners. Thanks! - MH